How Long Does Pizza Last in the Fridge? A Guide to Storing, Reheating, and Detecting Spoilage

Pizza is a beloved dish that often results in leftovers. Whether you enjoy cold pizza straight from the fridge or prefer to reheat it, it’s essential to know how long pizza can safely be stored in the refrigerator. In this blog post, we will explore the optimal storage methods for pizza, the signs of spoilage to watch out for, and the best ways to reheat refrigerated or frozen pizza. Let’s dive in!
  • How Long Does Pizza Last in the Fridge?
  • Storing Pizza in the Fridge
  • Stack it up
  • Wrap it up
  • Reheating Refrigerated Pizza
  • Preheat your oven
  • Sprinkle some water
  • Place on foil
  • Bake
  • How Long Does Pizza Last in the Freezer?
  • Store airtight
  • Protect the crust
  • How to increase the shelf life of pizza
  • Freezing the pizza
  • Reheating Frozen Pizza:
  • Preheat your oven
  • Place on foil
  • Bake
  • Signs of Spoiled Pizza
  • Dried-out and hard crust
  • Foul odor
  • Mold growth
  • Strange texture or appearance
  • Conclusion
How Long Does Pizza Dough Last in the Fridge

How Long Does Pizza Last in the Fridge?

According to experts, pizza leftovers can be safely stored in the refrigerator for up to four days. However, it’s crucial to refrigerate the pizza promptly to prevent bacterial growth. Leaving it at room temperature for more than two hours can increase the risk of spoilage. To ensure the longevity of your pizza, proper storage techniques are key.

Storing Pizza in the Fridge  

To maximize the shelf life of your pizza in the fridge, follow these simple steps:
Stack it up
Place a layer of foil, parchment, or wax paper on a tray or flat plate. Stack your leftover pizza slices, alternating between paper and pizza until all slices are stacked.
Wrap it up
Wrap the stacked pizza slices tightly with aluminum foil or plastic wrap. Alternatively, transfer them to an airtight container. These measures protect the pizza from moisture and air, preserving its quality and flavor.

Reheating Refrigerated Pizza 

When the time comes to enjoy your refrigerated pizza, follow these steps to achieve the best results:
Preheat your oven
Set your oven to 350°F (175°C) and allow it to preheat.
Sprinkle some water
Lightly sprinkle water on the crust of the pizza to prevent it from drying out during reheating.
Place on foil
Lay a layer of aluminum foil on the oven rack, leaving enough excess on the sides to use as handles. Place the pizza slices on the foil, ensuring they are evenly spaced.
Put the pizza and aluminum foil directly on the oven rack and bake for approximately 10 minutes. This will help restore the crispiness and melt the cheese.
By following these steps, you can enjoy reheated pizza that tastes just as delicious as when it was fresh.

How Long Does Pizza Last in the Freezer?

If you have more pizza than you can consume within four days, freezing is a great option to extend its shelf life. When properly stored, frozen pizza can last between two to six months. To freeze your pizza effectively, follow these guidelines:
Store airtight
Place the leftover pizza in an airtight container or wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil.
Protect the crust
To maintain the crust’s crispiness, consider adding an extra layer of foil over the plastic wrap or container before freezing.

How to Increase the Shelf Life of Pizza?

Freezing the pizza
When it comes to preserving the freshness of cooked foods like pizza, freezing is an excellent option. By freezing pizza, you can extend its shelf life while maintaining the crispiness of the crust and the safety of the toppings.
To freeze your leftover pizza slices effectively, you have a couple of options. You can either transfer them to an airtight container or wrap them securely with freezer wrap or aluminum foil. This will help prevent freezer burn and maintain the quality of the pizza.
When properly stored, frozen pizza can last for a duration of two to three months, allowing you to enjoy it at a later time without compromising on taste or safety.

Reheating Frozen Pizza 

When it’s time to enjoy your frozen pizza, follow these steps for optimal results:
Preheat your oven
Preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C).
Place on foil
Lay a layer of aluminum foil on the oven rack, leaving enough excess on the sides to use as handles. Place the frozen pizza slices on the foil.
Put the pizza and aluminum foil directly on the oven rack and bake for 15-20 minutes, or until the crust turns golden brown.
These steps will help you achieve a crispy crust and restore the original texture of the toppings.
Signs of Spoiled Pizza:
It’s important to be able to identify if your pizza has gone bad. Look out for the following signs of spoilage:
Dried-out and hard crust
If the crust feels excessively dry or hard, it may indicate that the pizza is past its prime.
Foul odor
A strong, unpleasant smell coming from the pizza is a clear indication of spoilage. It’s best to discard it in this case.
Mold growth
If you notice any mold on the pizza, it’s a definite sign that it has spoiled. Mold can be dangerous to consume, so it’s important to discard the pizza immediately.

Strange texture or appearance

If the cheese or toppings appear slimy, discolored or have an unusual texture, it’s a sign that the pizza has deteriorated and is no longer safe to eat.
Slimy Topping
If you notice slimy toppings on your pizza slices, it’s crucial not to consume them. The sliminess indicates bacterial growth and signals that the pizza is no longer safe to eat. Consuming such pizza poses a significant risk of food poisoning. It’s important to discard it immediately and avoid any potential health issues.
Knowing how long pizza lasts in the fridge is essential for food safety and ensuring the best eating experience. Remember to refrigerate your pizza promptly after serving and follow proper storage techniques to maximize its shelf life.
If you have leftover pizza that you cannot consume within four days, freezing is a great option. When reheating refrigerated or frozen pizza, using the oven is the preferred method for achieving crispy and delicious results.
Finally, always inspect your pizza for signs of spoilage before consuming it. By following the above mentioned guidelines, you can enjoy your pizza safely and without compromising its taste and quality.

How to Find Relief from Muscle Pain caused by Air Conditioning?


We’ve all experienced muscle pain at some point or other in our lives. We have always thought probably the increasing work stress, our sedentary lifestyles and lack of exercise could be the main reasons. But, have you ever wondered if your air conditioning could be the culprit?


In this blog post, we’ll explore the relationship between muscle pain and air conditioning, uncovering the truth behind this common concern. Not only that, we’ll delve into the reasons why muscle pain occurs due to air conditioning. We will also identify the muscles most affected by cooling, and provide practical tips on how to prevent and alleviate this discomfort. So let’s dive in!

Is Muscle Pain Caused by Air Conditioning?

Contrary to popular belief, air conditioning itself does not directly cause muscle pain. Yes, you read that just right. Muscle pain, also known as myalgia, can have a number of various causes. Some of them include overexertion, poor posture, or underlying medical conditions.


However, spending extended periods in air-conditioned environments can increase or trigger muscle pain in some individuals. Understanding the root cause and the factors involved can help us find effective ways to manage and prevent this discomfort.

Why Muscle Pain Occurs Due to Air Conditioning?

Muscle pain is not directly related to the usage of air conditioners but rather, a lot of other relevant factors which can contribute to muscle aches. Let’s look at some of the most common reasons which can cause muscle pains in any individual:

Temperature Fluctuations

One of the most common reasons why air conditioner usage can be related to muscle pain is due to rapid changes in temperature. It can lead to muscle stiffness and tension. When moving from a warm environment to a heavily air-conditioned space, the sudden drop in temperature can cause the muscles to contract unexpectedly, resulting in discomfort and pain.



Reduced Humidity

The use of Air Conditioners often reduces the humidity levels in indoor spaces. What it does is that due to low humidity, muscles start to get stiff and crampy due to dehydration. This discomfort, although not directly caused by the air conditioner, can be assumed as another reason for muscle cramps due to air conditioner usage.


Prolonged Inactivity

Air-conditioned environments can sometimes be so comfortable and cosy that we find ourselves staying sedentary for extended periods. Lack of movement can contribute to muscle stiffness and pain, especially in areas where we hold tension, such as the neck, shoulders, and lower back.


Which Muscles are Most Affected by Air Conditioning?

While muscle pain can occur in various parts of the body, certain muscle groups are more susceptible to discomfort caused by air conditioning:


Neck and Shoulders

Prolonged exposure to cold air can cause the muscles in the neck and shoulders to tighten and become stiff, which can be the leading cause for pain and result in reduced mobility.


Back Muscles:

Sitting in one position for a long time in an air-conditioned environment can strain the muscles in the back, particularly the lower back. This can result in lower back pain and discomfort, which can cause quite a hindrance in day to day movements and activities.


Preventing Muscle Pain Caused by Air Conditioning:

Usage of air conditioners is a necessity in hot and sweaty summers, but there can be ways to avoid getting muscular pains because of air conditioners.

We have compiled some of the most useful tips for you to avoid getting any sort of discomfort while staying all cool and cosy in the summer. Let’s discuss them each in detail:


Regulating Air Conditioner Cooling

Adjusting the air conditioner temperature and airflow can help minimise muscle pain. Opt for a moderate cooling setting rather than extreme cold. Consider using a fan to circulate the air and prevent it from blowing directly onto your body.


Avoid Sudden Temperature Change

As discussed above, a sudden change in temperature can result in contraction and muscular cramps. It is advised to stay in a moderately cool temperature and avoid sudden drop or increase in temperatures. Letting your body adjust gradually to temperature change and not having severe temperature changes can be one effective way to avoid muscle cramps.

Stretching and Movement Breaks

Take regular breaks from sitting or staying in one position. Engage in gentle stretching exercises to relieve tension in the muscles. Simple neck and shoulder rolls, back stretches, and walking can help prevent muscle stiffness and pain.


Muscular Therapy

If muscle pain persists, seeking professional help from a physical therapist or a doctor can provide relief. They can identify if there is any underlying issues and provide targeted treatment to alleviate discomfort.



While air conditioning itself may not directly cause muscle pain, it can certainly contribute to its occurrence or exacerbation. Understanding the reasons behind muscle pain due to air conditioning allows us to take proactive steps in managing and preventing this discomfort.


By regulating air conditioner cooling, taking regular movement breaks, and seeking muscular therapy when necessary, we can find relief and enjoy the benefits of a comfortable indoor environment without experiencing unnecessary pain. Stay mindful of your body’s needs, and remember to prioritise your well-being in any environment you find yourself in.




What to Do If Your Air Conditioner Is Not Draining Water? A Comprehensive Troubleshooting Guide

We all know that an efficient air conditioning system is essential for keeping your home cool and comfortable. especially during these hot summer months.
However, if you notice that your air conditioner is not draining water as it should, it’s a no-brainer that it can lead to various issues. Some of those issues can be quite bothersome such as reduced cooling performance, water leakage, and potential damage to your unit.
In this blog post, we will guide you through the troubleshooting steps to help you address this problem and keep your air conditioner running smoothly.

Why is water drainage important in an air conditioner?

One of the primary functions of an air conditioner is to remove excess moisture from the air, which results in the formation of condensate water. This water is what’s actually needed to be drained properly to prevent buildup and potential damage to the unit. If there is a clogged or malfunctioning drainage system, it may lead to water leakage, decreased cooling efficiency, and even mould or mildew growth.
So, understanding the components of an air conditioner’s drainage system is crucial and of utmost importance. For your ease of understanding, we are going to initially provide you with their definitions in the most simplest of terms. This is going to make it easier for you to grasp the concept of why it’s crucial for AC to properly drain water.
a. Evaporator Coil:
This coil cools and dehumidifies the air, leading to condensation.
b. Condensate Pan:
Located beneath the evaporator coil, the condensate pan collects the condensate water.
c. Drain Line:
The drain line is responsible for carrying the condensate water away from the air conditioner.

Common reasons why an air conditioner doesn’t drain water 

There can be several reasons why an air conditioner might not be draining water properly. We are going to summarise some of the most common causes which are usually reported. These include:
a. Clogged Drain Line 
Over time, the drain line can become clogged with debris, dirt, or algae, obstructing the water flow. This, if not cleaned in due time, can be one of the most common and major reasons for the blockage in draining.
b. Faulty Condensate Pan:
If the condensate pan, is damaged or misaligned, it may not collect water effectively, causing drainage issues.
c. Incorrect Slope:
The drain line should have a slight downward slope to facilitate proper water flow with the help of gravity. If, due to any bends or misalignment, the slope is incorrect, water may accumulate in the system and not drain properly.

Troubleshooting steps to address drainage issues 

Let’s dive in quickly to the ways with which you can easily clear up the drain system and have your air conditioner to work without any hassle.
Step 1:
Inspect the drain line:
Start by examining the drain line for any visible blockages or obstructions. If you notice debris or dirt, carefully remove it using a small brush or compressed air.
Step 2:
Clear the condensate pan:
Check the condensate pan for any damage or misalignment. If necessary, clean the pan with a mild detergent to remove any dirt or mold buildup.
Step 3:
Unclog the drain line:
If the drain line is clogged, you can try using a wet/dry vacuum or a pipe cleaner to remove the blockage. Alternatively, you can also try home-made remedies such as a mixture of vinegar and water, that can help dissolve any algae or mineral deposits.
Step 4:
Ensure proper slope:
Check the slope of the drain line to ensure that it is properly aligned. You can try to use a level tool to verify that the line has a slight downward slope to make it easier for the water to flow.
Step 5:
Regular maintenance:
This is basically the cheat code to avoid getting any of these issues to begin with. To prevent future drainage issues, it is crucial to perform regular maintenance on your air conditioning unit. This includes cleaning or replacing the air filter, inspecting the drain line for any signs of blockage, and scheduling professional maintenance at least once a year.

When to seek professional assistance?

If you have followed the troubleshooting steps and your air conditioner is still not draining water properly, it may be time to seek some professional help. A technician can thoroughly inspect your unit, identify the underlying cause, and perform any necessary repairs or maintenance.


Now you know that ensuring your air conditioner is draining water effectively is vital for maintaining its efficiency. Its also crucial for preventing any potential issues. By following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this blog post, you can address common drainage problems such as clogged drain lines, faulty condensate pans, and incorrect slopes.
Dont forget to perform regular maintenance and seek professional assistance if necessary. With proper care and attention, you can keep your air conditioner running smoothly, providing you with cool and comfortable air all summer long.
air conditioner




Air conditioners play a crucial role in providing relief from the scorching heat of Pakistani summers. So, to make this summer less annoying, we have taken responsibility for helping you choose the best 220-volt air conditioner. We will talk about their growing demand in the Pakistani market and the benefits they offer.

220-Volt Air Conditioners:

220-volt air conditioners are specifically designed to operate efficiently with the standard voltage supply in Pakistan. These air conditioners are widely available and cater to the electrical infrastructure commonly found in Pakistani homes and commercial buildings.

The trend of 220-Volt Air Conditioners in Pakistan:

The demand for 220-volt air conditioners in the Pakistani market has been steadily increasing.

Operating Frequency (Hz) and Its Benefits:

220-volt air conditioners in Pakistan typically operate at a frequency of 50 hertz (Hz). This frequency is compatible with the standard power supply of Pakistan. The benefit of working at this frequency is that it ensures the performance is seamless and the energy consumption is as efficient as possible, resulting in lesser electricity units consumed; consequently, lesser electricity bill while ensuring optimal cooling with minimal power consumption.

Types and Brands of 220-Volt Air Conditioners in Pakistan:

There is a wide range of types and brands of 220-volt air conditioners available in Pakistan, catering to diverse needs and budgets. Here are a few examples of popular types and their approximate prices:

Split Air Conditioners:

   – Haier 1.5-Ton Inverter Split AC: PKR 60,000

   – Orient 1.5-Ton DC Inverter Split AC: PKR 70,000

   – Gree 1.5-Ton Split AC: PKR 55,000

Window Air Conditioners:   – Dawlance 1.5-Ton Window AC: PKR 45,000

   – Orient 1.5-Ton Window AC: PKR 40,000

Advantages of 220-Volt Air Conditioners:

220-volt air conditioners offer several advantages over air conditioners of other voltages. Here are a few key benefits:

– Energy Efficiency: 220-volt air conditioners are designed to work optimally with the power supply in Pakistan, resulting in lower energy consumption and reduced electricity bills.

– Cost-Effectiveness: With their energy-saving features, 220-volt air conditioners can help save money on electricity bills in the long run.

– Cooling Performance: These air conditioners provide effective and superior cooling, comparable to air conditioners of other voltages, ensuring a comfortable indoor environment.

Electricity Consumption of 220 VOLT Air-Conditioners

Compared to air conditioners of other voltages, 220-volt air conditioners consume less electricity due to their optimized design and compatibility with the power supply resulting in lower energy consumption, which positively impacts overall electricity consumption.

It is estimated to decrease the electricity consumption by 15%

Monthly Savings through 220 Volt Air Conditioners

The impact of 220-volt air conditioners on electricity bills is significant. By consuming less electricity, these air conditioners can lead to considerable savings.

The exact difference in the electricity bill will vary based on factors such as usage and electricity rates. Still, it is common to observe a noticeable reduction when using a 220-volt air conditioner.

The estimated saving would be around 10,000 – 20,000.

Superior Cooling Performance!

220-volt air conditioners provide efficient and effective cooling.

They are designed to cool rooms adequately, ensuring a comfortable indoor environment similar to air conditioners of other voltages.


Using a 220-volt air conditioner at home offers several benefits. These include energy efficiency, cost savings on electricity bills, and a comfortable living environment during hot summer days.

Low Operating cost for your commercial needs

220-volt air conditioners are equally beneficial for commercial buildings. They provide energy-efficient cooling solutions, resulting in lower operating costs for businesses while maintaining a pleasant environment for employees and customers.

Installation Differences:

Installing a 220-volt air conditioner is generally like installing air conditioners of other voltages. However, it is crucial to ensure that the electrical infrastructure of the building is compatible with the 220-volt system. It is recommended to consult a professional technician for a safe and proper installation.


Compatibility with Other Voltage Supplies:

220-volt air conditioners are specifically designed to be compatible with the standard voltage supply in Pakistan. However, it is important to ensure compatibility when using them with alternative voltage supplies to avoid any electrical issues. It is advisable to consult an expert or refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for compatibility information.

It must be noted that these ar-conditioners can work perfectly with a 230 or 140 voltage supply but if the voltage supply is significantly different like of 110 then it can cause damage to the air conditioner and also impact its performance.


In conclusion, 220-volt air conditioners offer a range of benefits, including energy efficiency, cost savings, and effective cooling performance.

With their growing popularity and increasing demand in the Pakistani market, they have become a preferred choice for homes and commercial buildings.

By choosing a 220-volt air conditioner, you can enjoy a comfortable environment while reducing your electricity consumption and saving on your bills. Embrace the efficiency and cooling power of 220-volt air conditioners—they are the way to go!


How Long Does Oatmeal Last in the Fridge? A Comprehensive Guide to Storage and Shelf Life

Oatmeal has reigned in homes for decades because of its versatile use and nutritious value. Being rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, oatmeal has made it a staple for weight management and staying healthy. Oatmeal has broadened its usage spectrum from being A MUST for breakfast to being used in fancy savory dishes. It is commonly used as a hot cereal, overnight oats, in baked goods for the sake of its trademark texture and flavor.
But we should know that oatmeal can be a tricky customer when it comes to storing it in the refrigerator.
So keeping that worry in mind, we have focused this article on educating you about HOW LONG DIFFERENT TYPES OF OATMEALS LASTS IN FRIDGE. we will also talk about how to increase their life span, and then we will touch upon how to spot if the oatmeal has gone bad
We will make sure that you know enough by the end of the article that your oatmeal never goes bad!

How Long Does Dry Oatmeal Last in the Fridge?

Dry oatmeal has a long shelf life, even without refrigeration. When stored in a cool, dry place, unopened packages of dry oatmeal can last up to one year. However, if you want to further extend its freshness, you can choose to store it in the fridge. Properly stored, dry oatmeal can remain fresh for up to two years in the refrigerator.

Maximizing the Shelf Life of Dry Oatmeal in the Fridge 

If you follow the following pointers you will FOR SURE increase the life span of your dry oatmeal.
● NEVER let your dry oatmeal get in direct contact with moisture. As long as it is packed that can not happen. But, once the pack is opened, then to avoid any wet contact make sure it is kept in AIRTIGHT CONTAINER.
Just like for other dry food substances, keep it in a dry cool place. And don’t put it next to a strongly scented food as it can catch its scent. and who wants smelly oatmeals anyways…

Spotting Bad Dry Oatmeal 

If you have missed even one of the two above-mentioned precautions, unfortunately, you must’ve encountered at least 1 of the 3 symptoms of bad dry oatmeal…
● Presence of mold or unusual discoloration
● A foul or rancid smell
● The slimy or excessively moist texture
How Long Does Cooked Oatmeal Last in the Fridge?
Cooked oatmeal can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Proper storage is crucial to maintaining its freshness and quality. When cooked oatmeal is refrigerated in an airtight container, it can last up to five to seven days.
Maximizing the Shelf Life of Cooked Oatmeal in the Fridge:
● NEVER store hot/warm oatmeal in the fridge. Have it cool down and then place it in an airtight container so the MOISTURE from the hot food doesn’t spoil the oatmeal.
● Track the number of days it is kept in the fridge, and try to consume it as early as possible you don’t want to risk your health by storing your oatmeals for days…
● While reheating DO NOT reheat the entire dish, only reheat what you’ll eat. Otherwise, repeated cooling and heating can ruin your oatmeal.

Spotting Bad Cooked Oatmeal 

Are we right in predicting that you have encountered at least 2 of these 3 bad oatmeal symptoms? If you don’t want to have this foul experience again,simply scroll up and re-read the pointers!
● Mold growth or unusual discoloration
● Off odors or sour smell
● Slimy or unpleasant texture

How Long Does Milk-Based Oatmeal Last in the Fridge?

Milk-based oatmeals have SHORT SHELF LIFE. due to the complexity of milk and oatmeal combined. It is prone to going bad more than any other cooked oatmeal. When stored properly, milk-based oatmeal should be consumed within three to five days.

Maximizing the Shelf Life of Milk-Based Oatmeal in the Fridge 

● Milk-based oatmeals shouldn’t be kept in the fridge for long, try to consume them in a day.
● Always cool down the food and the container before putting it in the fridge
● Store away from strong-smelling substances.

Spotting Bad Milk-Based Oatmeal 

We know, the third point is the one you have encountered the most. the separation of liquid and curdling, and quite honestly it is the most repulsive among the three. Good news for you is, you’ve read this article and won’t be seeing those separations anymore.
● Presence of mold or unusual discoloration
● Foul smell or sour taste
● Separation of liquid or curdling
How Long Does Curry-Savory-Based Oatmeal Last in the Fridge?
Curry or savory-based oatmeal, a hearty and flavorful variation, can last in the refrigerator for up to three to five days.
Maximizing the Shelf Life of Curry-Savory-Based Oatmeal in the Fridge:
● If the serving has loads of spices and tomatoes then we would recommend consuming it ASAP. You can store it for a couple of days but it’s better to consume it.
● Always keep it in an airtight container.
● Don’t store it while it’s hot, cool it down and then store it.
Spotting Bad Curry-Savory-Based Oatmeal:
● Visible mold growth or unusual discoloration
● Foul or off odors
● Change in texture or sliminess


Knowing how long oatmeal lasts in the fridge and implementing proper storage practices can ensure its freshness and quality. After talking about different types of oatmeals and knowing how long they can be refrigerated, you don’t have to worry any more.We are confident that everyone’s oatmeals will last much longer. You won’t have to go through the trouble of cleaning bad oatmeals anymore.


Cleaning real wood furniture has been a hassle for centuries. Not knowing the right way to clean and losing the luster of your beloved years-old or brand-new furniture has been the talk amongst wooden furniture fanatics.

Therefore, today in this blog post we will be talking about HOW TO CLEAN different types of wooden furniture at home, irrespective to you being a novice or experienced individual after reading this article these cleaning tips will be at your fingertips!

Cleaning Teak Wood Furniture: A Popular and Durable Choice:


Cleaning teak wood furniture is the easiest thing you’d have to do in your entire day. Simply take a soft cloth and pour a few drops of mild soap – make sure it is not too concentrated. We don’t want to damage the wood – gently use the cloth to clean the wood.

BUT, do not forget to use a damp cloth to clean the soapy residue and finally use a dry cloth to clean any dampness left on the wood!

There you go, Teak wood peeps, your furniture is all clean!

Maintaining Sheesham Wood: A Rustic and Distinctive Option

For the Sheesham Wood people, all you need is a soft cloth and lukewarm water to clean your furniture.

INCASE – there are deep-set stains on the furniture, add soft detergent to your water and always be careful with your Sheesham wood furniture, you don’t want to damage your expensive piece of wood!

It is important to remember that Sheesham wood will not be able to withstand any hard-bristled brush so remember a soft cloth is the way to go!

Caring for Mango Wood: An Eco-Friendly and Budget-Friendly Pick


Mango wood is a tricky customer, but with Sheesham and Teak wood, we will have you ready to make it squeaky clean in a few steps.

Follow the following simple steps:

  1.     Always use a combination of warm water and soft – organic detergent with the least amount of chemicals – to clean your mango wood.
  2.     DO NOT expose it to sunlight after cleaning it as it can cause its colour to fade away.
  3.     Finally, use an OIL BASED polish once every 6 months to keep it protected from any weather change since mango wood can be a bit sensitive so extra care is due!

Keeping Rosewood Looking Its Best: A Classic, Decorative Wood


Rosewood is a far better and easier-to-handle customer than Mango wood! All you need is a damp cloth and soapy water to clean it.

To keep your rosewood furniture looking like new you can take the following precautionary measures as well

  1. Apply polish periodically.
  2. REMEMBER Rosewood can warp and crack under continuous high temperatures so keep it in a shadowy part of the home.


Cleaning Walnut wood furniture to keep it looking new!


If you’ve walnut wood furniture you’ll definitely agree the colour and the grain pattern it has are UN-PARALLEL! As daunting as it might sound to clean a delicate and intricate piece of furniture it isn’t!

All you need is mild dish soap – just don’t use any chemical heavy soap as it can damage the colour and grainy pattern on it – dip a soft cloth in it and gently wipe off the dirt from it.

VIOLA! Your walnut wood furniture is back in its prime color with that distinct grainy pattern!


Wiping Down Pine Wood: An Easyqqqqqqqqqqq, No-Fuss Furniture Material


Pine wood is probably the easiest to clean.

A soft cloth is always enough to keep the dirt away. If you must remove harsh stains use soapy water and a soft cloth to gently clean the stains away.

Protecting Your Wooden Furniture Finish: Sealing and Polishing Tips

As we conclude, I think I should give you some pro tips on sealing and polishing your wooden furniture as well!


Always remember irrespective of which type of wood your furniture is made of, protecting it from water is essential, and that can be done through SEALING.

Sealing can be performed by finding a VARNISH most compatible with your wood type. Apply thick and even coats but apply each coat only when the previous coat has completely dry!


Wanting your furniture to shine exactly the way it was shining the day you got it? POLISHING is your answer!


Folks! cleaning wood mustn’t be a once a month event, but it should be a daily regime!


Dusting your furniture should be one of your chores to avoid any dust particles settling.


Moreover, even if they settle and become hard stains you always have this article at your disposal for the type of wood you’ve got at home!







Washing machines have become an essential item in every household for modern living. While these appliances can perform a variety of functions, ranging from washing to drying clothes, a washing machine’s spin function is often considered the most effective in cleaning laundry.
Whether you are new at doing your laundry or have been doing laundry for years, it’s very important to know the role of each feature in drying and washing your clothes.
In this blog post, we will explore the washing machine spin function, how it works, and its importance for laundry cleaning.

What is the Washing Machine Spin Function?

At its core, spin refers to the rapid rotation of the washing machine’s drum. Once you load your laundry into the machine, the spin function swings into action, spinning the drum at high speeds. This process, often accompanied by a whirring sound, works wonders in expelling water from your clothes, ensuring they emerge from the wash as dry as possible.
After washing, the machine detects the water level in the drum and initiates the spin cycle. The inner drum rotates at a high speed, which uses the centrifugal force to extract the water from clothes. When the spin cycle starts, the drum spins at high speed for a specified amount of time, usually between two and four minutes, until the maximum water is extracted. The ability to quickly and thoroughly remove water from clothing is one of the most significant benefits of the washing machine spin function.

How Does the Washing Machine Spin Function Work?

One of the most vital roles of spin is its ability to extract excess water from your clothes.
The washing machine spin function works through a combination of centrifugal force and gravity. As the drum rotates, the centrifugal force generated pushes the water outwards, guiding it through the drum’s perforations. The incredible speed of the spin enables the water to be flung out, leaving your garments damp rather than dripping wet.
This extraction not only accelerates the drying process but also reduces the strain on your dryer, ultimately saving time, energy, and money.The entire process is fast, efficient and effective and is ideal for removing dirt, grime, and stains from clothes.

Importance of Washing Machine Spin Function for Laundry Cleaning:

The washing machine spin function is a vital process when it comes to laundry cleaning.
Spin plays a significant role in enhancing the washing machine’s cleaning performance. The vigorous rotation of the drum creates a dynamic environment within, causing the water and detergent to penetrate deep into the fabric fibres. This ensures a thorough cleaning experience by dislodging dirt, stains, and residues from your clothes. Without the spin function, your garments would be subjected to a gentler washing motion, which might not provide the same level of cleanliness and freshness.
The spin cycle also helps to remove as much excess water as possible after washing, which means that clothes dry faster when they are removed from the washer.

Is Spin Function Garment Friendly?

While the spin function possesses incredible power, it is designed to be gentle on your delicate garments. Modern washing machines offer adjustable spin speeds, allowing you to select the appropriate setting for different fabric types. By customising the spin speed, you can protect the integrity of your clothes, preventing excessive wear and tear.
Moreover, the controlled spinning action minimises tangling and wrinkling, ensuring your clothes emerge from the washing machine in a pristine state.
Spin not only saves your clothes but also your precious time and energy. By expelling water efficiently, the spin function significantly reduces drying time. This means that you can enjoy freshly cleaned clothes faster and minimise the use of energy-hungry dryers. Additionally, as spin extracts excess water from your laundry, it decreases the load on your dryer, reducing electricity consumption and extending the lifespan of your appliance. The combination of efficient water extraction and reduced drying eco-friendly .


In conclusion, the washing machine spin function is a crucial aspect of modern washing machines. Its ability to extract water effectively ensures quicker drying times and contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle.The spin function is also environmentally friendly, with reduced energy consumption and water usage. In today’s world, where time is a precious commodity, the spin cycle function of the 
How To Fix A Washer That Won't Spin

What is the Ideal Refrigerator and Freezer Temperature? Setting the Thermostat for Maximum Preservation.

Whether your fridge is jam-packed with snacks or stocking up on staples for the week, you want to make sure what’s going in there will last. The answer? It’s all in the temperature.
So, when it comes to setting your refrigerator and freezer temperatures just right, what should you aim for? The ideal target temperature for both your fridges and freezers is between 37°F( 2°C) and 40°F ( 4.°C) for your refrigerator, and 0°F for your freezer. But the exact temperature setting will depend on a few factors, such as the size of your appliance or whether you’re storing things that require extra care.
To help you keep things under control in the kitchen, we’ll show you how to find the best temperature setting. Read on to learn more about how to choose the ideal refrigerature’s temperature setting!

What is the Ideal Refrigerator Temperature for Food Safety?

No matter what type of refrigerator you have, it’s important to set the temperature to the right level for food safety. The ideal temperature for refrigerators and freezers is between 1-3°C and -17°C respectively. Keeping a temperature between these two points will ensure food is kept at its optimal safety level and is not exposed to risk of contamination.
If your refrigerator temperature drops below 0°C, not only will food spoil faster, but this also increases the risk of dangerous bacteria forming on fresh produce and meats. Any food left in this environment too long may start to grow microorganisms that can cause illness or food poisoning in humans.
Conversely, if the temperature in your refrigerator rises above 4°C , pathogenic bacteria may grow quickly, spoiling the food before you can consume it. This not only poses a health risk, but also can be an economic burden as you’ll have to replace these items more frequently.
It’s important to check your refrigerator frequently and make sure it’s maintaining a consistent temperature of 1-3°C as well as monitor any changes which could indicate a defect or malfunction. If you notice that your refrigerator isn’t keeping this range consistently, contact a technician immediately for help.

How Cold Is Too Cold? Understanding the Dangers of a Refrigerator Set Too Low:

Sometimes it’s tempting to turn the dial way down and set your refrigerator to a sub-zero temperature, hoping that it’ll keep food colder and fresher. However, setting the thermostat too low can actually do more harm than good.
 When temperatures drop too low, the condenser coils may freeze over, creating a hazardous buildup of heat.
This could impact its performance and efficiency.  This doesn’t just mean you have to wait for them to defrost before you enjoy them; frozen food can also lose.
That’s why the ideal refrigerator temperature is between 1°C – 3°C. Anything colder than this co!

What is the Best Temperatures for Different Refrigerated Foods?

When it comes to storing food, knowing the optimal temperature ensures that food stays fresher for longer. So, what should you set your freezer and refrigerator to?
The ideal temperature for a freezer is -18⁰C. This is cold enough to keep food frozen, without having it freeze into a solid block. The colder temperatures also destroy harmful bacteria in your food before it has a chance to multiply, which will extend its lifespan.
Your refrigerator should be set between 2-3⁰C. Any cooler than this can cause produce to freeze, and any warmer can encourage bacteria growth. You might have to adjust your fridg. And remember, it’s important to keep your fridge organized so !

What is the Best Temperature for Frigidaire Refrigerator?

The ideal temperature for Frigidaire refrigerator, like most refrigerators is between 1-3⁰C.
Apart from the quality that Frigidaire offers in its products, the longevity of its refrigerators can be maintained if the temperature is kept at its ideal, optimum settings.

Tips for Monitoring Refrigerator and Freezer Temperatures:

It’s important to monitor both the refrigerator and freezer temperatures to ensure that food is stored at the correct temperature. Here are some simple tips that you can use to monitor and make sure your food is stored at the proper temperatures:

Use a Refrigerator thermometer 

A refrigerator thermometer is an easy and accurate way to monitor the temperature of your refrigerator. These thermometers come in various styles, from digital read-outs, to sticks, to dials that you can put inside your refrigerator. Make sure you check the thermometer regularly and adjust accordingly.

Take Regular Readings 

Make sure you take regular readings of your refrigerator and freezer temperatures. Temperature readings should be taken at least once a day or more often if possible. It’s also important to note if there are any sudden changes in temperature, as this could indicate a problem with your refrigerator or freezer.

Adjust Settings as Necessary 

It can be helpful to adjust settings on your  or freezer as needed. If you notice that it’s running too cold or too warm, use the thermostat on the unit itself (if available) or adjust it manually by adjusting the cooling coils or airflow vents located inside of the unit.
By following these tips for monitoring refrigerator and freezer temperatures, you’ll be able to make sure that food is safely stored at the ideal temperature for maximum preservation!


All in all, keeping your  and freezer at the right tempera.
The risk of foodborne illnesses is greatly decreased when your refrigerator and freezer temperatures stay at their optimum required temperatures. By doing this, you can ensure all the food in your kitchen is being stored safely and securely.
Kenwood Inverter KRFI-26657 Refrigerator


The Best Types of Wood for urFniture in Pakistani

If you’re looking to furnish your home in Pakistan, you’ll want to find the best types of wood for furniture. It is an important decision that will affect the look and feel of your home as well as the amount of maintenance your furniture will require. 


To make your decision easier, we’ll break down different types of wood and explain how they compare in terms of esthetics, price, and longevity.

What are the Different types of Wood Available for Furniture?

First off, it’s helpful to understand where these woods come from. In Pakistan, there are a variety of wood types commonly used for furniture making, such as beechwood, mango wood, and sheesham wood. 


Each of these woods has unique characteristics that make them better suited for certain creating styles or purposes. To get a better idea about each type of wood and why it might be ideal for your needs, read on!


Hardwood vs. Softwood: Why Hardwood Is Best for Furniture:

When it comes to picking a type of wood for furniture, there are two primary categories: Hardwood and Softwood. Confused? Let us make it easier; hardwoods come from flowering trees and softwoods come from conifers.


Though price points can vary, hardwood tends to be the best choice for furniture due to it’s increased durability and longevity compared to softwoods. 


Hardwood is less likely to scratch or dent, and if it does, it’s usually easier to repair. Additionally, hardwood won’t warp over time like softwood can so you can be sure that your furniture won’t give you any trouble down the line! With proper care and maintenance, you can even pass down your furniture to later generations.


Speaking of care, hardwood is also easier to clean than softwood! It doesn’t easily absorb liquids, including water – which makes caring for spills easier and limits staining. When it comes down to it, hardwoods offer more value for your money in that they last longer than softwoods but may have a higher cost upfront.


Teak: The Premium Hardwood for Pakistani Furniture


  It is also an extremely versatile wood, making it easy to create any design or style that you desire.


Teak is also resistant to pests and rot and can handle long-term exposure to extreme climate conditions. But what really sets teak apart from other woods is its natural oils. These oils act as a natural preservative and make teak resistant to moisture, fungus, and other environmental factors.


Finally, teak has a beautiful golden hue that can be kept natural or stained with different hues. This makes it perfect for furniture in any style you may choose. From traditional to contemporary, the grain pattern and color of the wood can be tailored to match your furnishings perfectly. With proper care, teak furniture can look as good as new for decades!


Sheesham: A Local Hardwood That Stands the Test of Time:


Sheesham is a hardwood that is exclusively found in Pakistan. Also known as tali, sheesham is renowned for its durability and its strength. Its versatility makes it well suited for many types of furniture, from dining tables to bedroom sets.


Sheesham is known for its straight grain and small pores. This wood has a unique reddish-brown hue and can darken with age, making it look even more stunning. Its light weight makes it easy to move around and also allows for intricate carving designs in the furniture pieces.


Due to its high density, Sheesham is an excellent choice for highly durable pieces of furniture that last a lifetime. Moreover, this wood requires very little maintenance and requires only occasional dusting or polishing to keep it looking good as new. Plus, because of the material’s natural hardness, this type of furniture is well suited for large families with kids or pets who may not treat their furniture with kid gloves!


You may also have heard of Sheesham (Indian Rosewood) – but that’s a completely different type of tree that grows in India, and you won’t see much of it used in Pakistani furniture. 


Walnut Wood: A High-Quality Hardwood for Sophisticated Furnishings:


Walnut wood is certainly a high-quality, strong hardwood that is suitable for any furniture-making project. It has a stunning, rich color and a lustrous sheen that can elevate any furniture piece.  


Walnut wood has several qualities that make it stand out, such as:


High-grade strength: Walnut wood is much stronger than other woods, making it suitable for large or intricate pieces of furniture.


Natural durability: Walnut wood also has natural durability, meaning it can withstand wear and tear better than other woods. This makes it a great choice for high-traffic parts of the home, like hallways and kitchens.


Dark tint: Another quality of walnut wood is its dark shade. This gives furniture made with walnut wood an elegant look that suits traditional Pakistan decor.


Overall, walnut wood is an excellent choice for furniture makers in Pakistan who want to create high-quality yet sophisticated furnishings for their clients. 




Ultimately, it’s up to you and your tastes to decide how to furnish your home with the best wood furniture in Pakistan. You may choose to go for harder woods such as teak or mahogany, or soft woods such as pine or cedar, depending on your budget and preferences.

No matter what material you choose, if you take proper care of your furniture, it can last for many years. And if you invest in quality pieces, it will be well worth it in the long run.  


So, if you are looking for a place to shop the most high-quality furniture, then don’t forget to visit Surmawala Furniture Outlet and Online Store today and get your hands on some of the best furniture pieces in Pakistan!





Sheesham Wood Furniture in Pakistan


When it comes to furnishing your home, finding the perfect furniture is essential. One such timeless material that has gained immense popularity in Pakistan is sheesham wood. It is known for its rich texture, durability, and exquisite grain patterns. Sheesham wood furniture adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any living space.


In this blog post, we will explore the availability of sheesham wood furniture online in Pakistan, along with its unique features and benefits.


Sheesham Wood Furniture Available Online:

In today’s digital age, online shopping has become the go-to option for convenience and variety. Fortunately, for those seeking sheesham wood furniture in Pakistan, numerous online stores offer a wide range of options to choose from. 

One such reputable store is Surmawala, which boasts an extensive collection of high-quality wood furniture. From exquisite dining tables to intricately carved bed frames, their online platform provides a seamless shopping experience.


The Beauty of Sheesham Wood:

Sheesham wood, also known as Indian Rosewood, is known for its beauty. Its natural colour ranges from golden brown to deep reddish-brown. Not only that, it comes with distinct streaks and grains that make each piece unique.

This wood’s aesthetics lend an air of sophistication and warmth to any interior. Whether you prefer a contemporary or traditional style, sheesham wood furniture effortlessly complements various decor themes. It is certainly going to add charm and character to your home.


Durabil,ity and Longevity:

One of the key factors that make sheesham wood furniture highly sought after is its exceptional durability. This hardwood is known for its strength and resistance to wear and tear. This quality makes it an ideal choice for furniture that withstands the test of time.

Sheesham wood furniture can easily endure daily use and is less susceptible to scratches, dents, and warping. Investing in sheesham wood furniture ensures that your pieces will remain intact and retain their beauty for years to come.


Versatility in Design:

Sheesham wood offers a remarkable versatility in design. This  makes it suitable for a wide range of furniture types. Whether you’re in search of a solid sheesham wood dining set, a graceful bookshelf, or an elegant sofa, sheesham wood is a perfect option. This wood can be intricately carved and crafted to meet your preferences. 


Its pliability allows skilled artisans to create unique designs and decorative elements. It adds a touch of artistry to your furniture pieces.


Eco-Friendliness and Sustainability:

Choosing sheesham wood furniture also aligns with eco-friendly practices. Sheesham trees are cultivated for their wood and are not cut down from natural forests. This ensures sustainable sourcing.


Furthermore, sheesham wood is known for its minimal environmental impact. It requires less energy to process compared to other materials like metal or plastic. By opting for sheesham wood furniture, you contribute to the preservation of natural resources and support sustainable practices.


Maintenance and Care:

To maintain the beauty of sheesham wood furniture, some simple care practices can be followed. Regular dusting with a soft cloth or duster will help remove surface dust and maintain its lustre. 


Avoid placing the furniture in direct sunlight or near heat sources to prevent discoloration or warping. Additionally, using a mild furniture polish or wax can help retain the wood’s shine and protect it from moisture.

Making the Right Choice while Buying:

When it comes to furnishing your home, making the right choice is crucial to create a space that reflects your style. Consider furniture styles that can withstand daily use, and stand the test of time. In Pakistan, sheesham wood furniture has emerged as a popular option due to its exceptional qualities.

However, before making a purchase, there are several factors to consider. Ensure you choose the perfect sheesham wood furniture for your needs.


Quality and Craftsmanship:

First and foremost, it is essential to evaluate the quality and craftsmanship of the furniture. Look for reputable sellers and brands that specialise in sheesham wood furniture. Assess the construction techniques, joints, and finishes to ensure durability and longevity. High-quality sheesham wood furniture will have sturdy frames. Also look for smooth finishes, and precise joinery. This indicates the skillful craftsmanship that goes into creating each piece.


Existing Decor:

Another aspect to consider is the design and style that best suits your preferences and existing interior decor. Sheesham wood offers a remarkable versatility. This allows using it for a wide range of designs, from traditional to contemporary. 

Consider the size, shape, and functionality of the furniture pieces you require, ensuring they align with your lifestyle and space requirements.


Customer Reviews:

Furthermore, it is advisable to take into account the reputation and customer reviews of the seller or store from which you plan to purchase. Research online and read testimonials from previous customers to gauge the reliability associated with their sheesham wood furniture offerings.


Your Budget:

Budget is another important factor. Determine your budget range and explore options that fit within your financial constraints. Remember, sheesham wood furniture is an investment that offers long-term value, so consider the quality and durability alongside the price.


Aesthetics and Ambiance:

Lastly, strive for coherence in your interior design. Consider how the sheesham wood furniture will complement the existing elements in your home. Take into consideration the color schemes, textures, and overall aesthetics. This will help create a cohesive and harmonious ambiance within your living spaces.


By taking these factors into account, you can make an informed decision when buying sheesham wood furniture in Pakistan. 

Carefully selecting high-quality pieces that align with your style, budget, and functional requirements. This  will ensure that you bring home furniture of need that not only enhances your home’s beauty but also lasts for years to come. 


Sheesham wood furniture has become a popular choice for homeowners in Pakistan due to its timeless beauty and versatility. Whether you’re furnishing your living room, dining area, or bedroom, sheesham wood pieces effortlessly blend with different interior styles. 

So, embrace the elegance and durability of sheesham wood and transform your living spaces into inviting and captivating retreats.



A Comprehensive Guide to Buying Bedroom Furniture in Pakistan: Timing and Options

Creating a comfortable and inviting bedroom starts with choosing the right furniture. In Pakistan, the market offers a plethora of options for bedroom furniture, making it important to know the best time he ideal timing to buy bedroom furniture, explore the different types ofto purchase and the various types available. In this blog post, we will discusse, and provide valuable insights to help you make informed decisions.
The Best Time to Buy Bedroom Furniture in Pakistan 
When it comes to creating your dream bedroom, finding the perfect furniture is of utmost importance. In Pakistan, a country steeped in rich cultural heritage and a growing furniture industry, the question arises: When is the best time to buy bedroom furniture? Lets unveil the secret to a truly enchanting shopping experience, brimming with irresistible deals and boundless choices.
Determining the best time to purchase bedroom furniture is essential for finding the best deals and maximizing savings. You should consider the following factors when stepping out to shop for furniture:
Off-Season Sales:
Another factor to consider is the off-season or lean period for furniture sales. Typically, during the monsoon season or the winter months when there is a relatively lower demand for furniture, you may find retailers offering discounted prices and clearance sales to clear their inventory. This can be a good opportunity to buy bedroom furniture at a reduced cost.
Festive Seasons:
One of the key periods to consider is during major festivals and holidays, such as Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Azha. During these times, many furniture stores in Pakistan offer significant discounts and promotions to attract customers. It’s common to find special deals and sales on bedroom furniture, including bed frames, mattresses, wardrobes, and dressers. Keep an eye out for advertisements and promotions from different retailers during these festive seasons.
Additionally, some furniture stores may have annual or seasonal sales events unrelated to festivals. These sales events often occur during specific months, such as the end of a financial quarter or the start of a new year. It’s worth researching local furniture stores7 and their promotional events to find out when they offer the best deals on bedroom furniture.
New Model Releases:
When furniture retailers introduce new models, they often discount older inventory, allowing you to find great deals.
Personal Circumstances:
personal circumstances and individual preferences should also be taken into account. If you are in immediate need of bedroom furniture or if your existing furniture is in poor condition, waiting for sales or specific seasons may not be practical. In such cases, consider other factors like budget, quality, and availability, and make a decision based on your requirements.
Types of Bedroom Furniture:
Understanding the different types of bedroom furniture available in the Pakistani market can help you select pieces that suit your style and needs. Here are some popular options:
The centerpiece of any bedroom, beds come in various sizes, styles, and materials, including wooden, metal, and upholstered designs.
Essential for storage, wardrobes offer space for clothes, accessories, and more. Choose from freestanding or built-in options with different storage configurations.
Dressing Tables:
Add functionality and elegance with a dressing table, providing a dedicated space for grooming and storage of beauty essentials.
These small tables placed beside the bed provide a convenient surface for a lamp, alarm clock, and other essentials.
Chests of Drawers:
Ideal for additional storage, chests of drawers offer ample space for folded clothes, linens, and other items.
Bedroom Chairs:
Add a touch of luxury and comfort with a cozy bedroom chair or a stylish accent chair, creating a reading nook or a seating area.
Factors to Consider When Buying Bedroom Furniture:
When purchasing bedroom furniture, consider the following factors to ensure the perfect fit for your space and style:
Room Size:
Measure your bedroom to determine the appropriate size of furniture that fits comfortably without overcrowding the space.
Storage Needs:
Assess your storage requirements to choose furniture pieces that offer adequate space to keep your belongings organized.
Material and Quality:
Consider the durability and quality of the materials used in the construction of the furniture to ensure longevity.
Style and Aesthetic:
Select furniture that aligns with your personal style and complements the overall aesthetic of your bedroom.
Set a budget range and explore options that provide the best value for your money without compromising on quality.
Surmawala: Your Trusted Resource for Bedroom Furniture:
Surmawala has emerged as a reliable and customer-centric resource for finding high-quality bedroom furniture in Pakistan. With a wide range of options and competitive prices, Surmawala caters to diverse tastes and budgets, ensuring customer satisfaction. So don’t forget to check out the wide variety of bedroom furniture available at Surmawala stores and retail outlets.
When it comes to buying bedroom furniture in Pakistan, timing is crucial to secure the best deals and discounts. Explore the options available, including beds, wardrobes, dressing tables, nightstands, chests of drawers, and bedroom chairs. Consider factors like room size, storage needs, material quality, style, and budget when making your purchase. And for a seamless shopping experience, trust Surmawala as your go-to resource for finding the perfect bedroom furniture. Happy furnishing!



Unveiling Pakistan’s Premier Furniture Brands: A Fusion of Craftsmanship and Style:


Furniture holds the power to transform living spaces into cozy and aesthetically pleasing havens. In Pakistan, a country renowned for its rich cultural heritage and skilled artisans, several furniture brands have emerged as leaders in the industry. This blog post takes you on a captivating journey through the top furniture brands in Pakistan, exploring their diverse product lines, unique selling points, ongoing sales, physical outlets in major cities, and online stores. Finally, we will present a comprehensive list of the leading furniture brands in Pakistan in chronological order.

Surmawala: Masterpieces Crafted with Excellence

Product Line:

Surmawala offers an extensive range of furniture, encompassing:


  •  living room sets
  • bedroom collections
  •  kitchen cabinets
  • office furniture.


Their product line showcases a blend of contemporary and traditional designs, catering to diverse preferences.

Unique Selling Point:

Surmawala stands out for its exceptional craftsmanship, attention to detail, and the use of high-quality materials. Each piece exudes elegance, reflecting the brand’s commitment to delivering masterpieces that enhance the aesthetic appeal of any space.

Sales and Promotions:

Surmawala frequently conducts sales events, providing customers with attractive discounts on their extensive furniture range. These promotions make their high-quality offerings even more accessible to a wider audience. 


Moreover, there are no hidden charges or added interests when it comes to making payments with Surmawala. All these features make Surmawala one of the most trusted brands nationwide to shop from.

Physical Outlets and Online Store:

Surmawala has physical outlets in different areas of Karachi. Customers can visit these outlets to experience the furniture first hand. Additionally, Surmawala offers an online store that provides convenience and accessibility for customers to browse and purchase their products from anywhere. Visit their online store at: Surmawala Online Store.

Habitt: Modern Sophistication Redefined

Product Line:

Habitt specializes in modern and sophisticated furniture


offering a wide range of:

  • Sofas
  • dining sets
  • Beds
  • outdoor furniture.


Their designs seamlessly integrate into various interior decor styles.

Unique Selling Point:

Habitt’s strength lies in their ability to create furniture that strikes a perfect balance between functionality and aesthetics. Their designs are contemporary, sleek, and in tune with the latest trends, catering to the evolving preferences of modern homeowners.

Sales and Promotions:

Habitt occasionally offers seasonal sales and promotions, providing customers with opportunities to avail themselves of attractive discounts on selected items. These sales events allow customers to bring home high-quality furniture at more affordable prices.

Physical Outlets and Online Store:

Habitt has physical outlets in major cities such as Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad, where customers can explore their furniture collections. Additionally, Habitt provides an online store that offers convenience and accessibility. To explore their online store, visit: Habitt Online Store.

ChenOne: Opulence and Elegance Redefined

Product Line:

ChenOne is synonymous with luxury and sophistication.


offering a range of furniture that includes:

  • intricately carved wooden pieces
  • plush sofas
  • statement furniture


for creating grandiose living spaces.

Unique Selling Point:

ChenOne’s unique selling point lies in their ability to blend traditional craftsmanship with modern sensibilities. Their furniture reflects timeless beauty, combining opulence with functionality to create an ambiance of luxury and elegance.

Sales and Promotions:

ChenOne occasionally offers exclusive sales and promotions, enabling customers to invest in their luxurious offerings at reduced prices. These sales events provide customers with the opportunity to bring home exquisite furniture while enjoying significant savings.

Physical Outlets and Online Store:

ChenOne has physical outlets in major cities such as Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad. Customers can visit these outlets to experience the grandeur of their furniture


ChenOne also offers an online store for convenient shopping. Visit their online store at: ChenOne Online Store.

Index Furniture: Versatile Solutions for Every Home

Product Line:

Index Furniture caters to a wide range of customers, offering affordable furniture options without compromising on quality.


Their product line includes:

  • living room furniture
  • bedroom sets
  • dining tables
  • office furniture


providing a one-stop solution for all furniture needs.

Unique Selling Point:

Index Furniture’s unique selling point lies in their ability to offer diverse options at different price points. They cater to both budget-conscious consumers and those seeking high-end designer collections, ensuring there is something for everyone.

Sales and Promotions:

Index Furniture organizes sales events throughout the year, offering discounts on selected items from their vast collection. These promotions make their furniture even more accessible, allowing customers to find quality pieces within their budget.

Physical Outlets and Online Store:

Index Furniture has physical outlets in major cities like Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad. Customers can visit these outlets to explore their furniture offerings

Additionally, Index Furniture has an online store that provides a convenient shopping experience. Explore their online store at: Index Furniture Online Store.

Nishat Linen Furniture: Enhancing Homes with Style and Quality.

Line of Products:


  • Sofas and Seating:
  • Beds and Bedroom Furniture:
  • Dining Sets:

Unique Selling Points:


Nishat Linen Furniture stands out for several unique qualities that set them apart from other furniture brands: Quality Craftsmanship, Fusion of Style and Comfort and Integration with Textile Products:

Sales and Promotions:


Nishat Linen Furniture occasionally conducts sales and promotions, providing customers with opportunities to purchase their furniture at discounted prices. These sales events make their high-quality offerings more accessible to a wider audience.


Physical Outlets and Online Store:


Nishat Linen Furniture has physical outlets in major cities across Pakistan, including Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, and others. Customers can visit these outlets to explore their furniture collections and make purchases. Additionally, Nishat Linen Furniture offers an online store that provides convenience and accessibility for customers to browse and purchase their products from anywhere. Visit their online store at: Nishat Linen Furniture Online Store.



Pakistan’s furniture brands offer an exquisite blend of craftsmanship, style, and versatility. From Surmawala’s masterpieces to Habitt’s, ChenOne and Index Furniture’s solutions, each brand brings its unique charm to the table. 


However, Surmawala is a name that is nationally recognized and is one of the most sought after places to shop furniture from. People from all walks of life prefer this brand because it’s a one-stop shop for everyone.


The physical outlets and online stores make it convenient for customers to explore and purchase their desired furniture pieces.


Top Furniture Brands in Pakistan (in chronological order):


Surmawala- the most trusted and reliable!



Index Furniture

Nishat linen furniture


Indulge in the joy of transforming your living spaces with the finest furniture from these reputable brands, but don’t forget to check out the most sought after brand which is Surmawala.


Elevate your home to new levels of elegance and comfort. Happy furnishing!


Unveiling Pakistan’s Premier Furniture Brands: A Fusion of Craftsmanship and Style:


Furniture holds the power to transform living spaces into cozy and aesthetically pleasing havens. In Pakistan, a country renowned for its rich cultural heritage and skilled artisans, several furniture brands have emerged as leaders in the industry. This blog post takes you on a captivating journey through the top furniture brands in Pakistan, exploring their diverse product lines, unique selling points, ongoing sales, physical outlets in major cities, and online stores. Finally, we will present a comprehensive list of the leading furniture brands in Pakistan in chronological order.

Surmawala: Masterpieces Crafted with Excellence

Product Line:

Surmawala offers an extensive range of furniture, encompassing:


  •  living room sets
  • bedroom collections
  •  kitchen cabinets
  • office furniture.


Their product line showcases a blend of contemporary and traditional designs, catering to diverse preferences.

Unique Selling Point:

Surmawala stands out for its exceptional craftsmanship, attention to detail, and the use of high-quality materials. Each piece exudes elegance, reflecting the brand’s commitment to delivering masterpieces that enhance the aesthetic appeal of any space.

Sales and Promotions:

Surmawala frequently conducts sales events, providing customers with attractive discounts on their extensive furniture range. These promotions make their high-quality offerings even more accessible to a wider audience. 


Moreover, there are no hidden charges or added interests when it comes to making payments with Surmawala. All these features make Surmawala one of the most trusted brands nationwide to shop from.

Physical Outlets and Online Store:

Surmawala has physical outlets in different areas of Karachi. Customers can visit these outlets to experience the furniture first hand. Additionally, Surmawala offers an online store that provides convenience and accessibility for customers to browse and purchase their products from anywhere. Visit their online store at: Surmawala Online Store.

Habitt: Modern Sophistication Redefined

Product Line:

Habitt specializes in modern and sophisticated furniture


offering a wide range of:

  • Sofas
  • dining sets
  • Beds
  • outdoor furniture.


Their designs seamlessly integrate into various interior decor styles.

Unique Selling Point:

Habitt’s strength lies in their ability to create furniture that strikes a perfect balance between functionality and aesthetics. Their designs are contemporary, sleek, and in tune with the latest trends, catering to the evolving preferences of modern homeowners.

Sales and Promotions:

Habitt occasionally offers seasonal sales and promotions, providing customers with opportunities to avail themselves of attractive discounts on selected items. These sales events allow customers to bring home high-quality furniture at more affordable prices.

Physical Outlets and Online Store:

Habitt has physical outlets in major cities such as Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad, where customers can explore their furniture collections. Additionally, Habitt provides an online store that offers convenience and accessibility. To explore their online store, visit: Habitt Online Store.

ChenOne: Opulence and Elegance Redefined

Product Line:

ChenOne is synonymous with luxury and sophistication.


offering a range of furniture that includes:

  • intricately carved wooden pieces
  • plush sofas
  • statement furniture


for creating grandiose living spaces.

Unique Selling Point:

ChenOne’s unique selling point lies in their ability to blend traditional craftsmanship with modern sensibilities. Their furniture reflects timeless beauty, combining opulence with functionality to create an ambiance of luxury and elegance.

Sales and Promotions:

ChenOne occasionally offers exclusive sales and promotions, enabling customers to invest in their luxurious offerings at reduced prices. These sales events provide customers with the opportunity to bring home exquisite furniture while enjoying significant savings.

Physical Outlets and Online Store:

ChenOne has physical outlets in major cities such as Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad. Customers can visit these outlets to experience the grandeur of their furniture


ChenOne also offers an online store for convenient shopping. Visit their online store at: ChenOne Online Store.

Index Furniture: Versatile Solutions for Every Home

Product Line:

Index Furniture caters to a wide range of customers, offering affordable furniture options without compromising on quality.


Their product line includes:

  • living room furniture
  • bedroom sets
  • dining tables
  • office furniture


providing a one-stop solution for all furniture needs.

Unique Selling Point:

Index Furniture’s unique selling point lies in their ability to offer diverse options at different price points. They cater to both budget-conscious consumers and those seeking high-end designer collections, ensuring there is something for everyone.

Sales and Promotions:

Index Furniture organizes sales events throughout the year, offering discounts on selected items from their vast collection. These promotions make their furniture even more accessible, allowing customers to find quality pieces within their budget.

Physical Outlets and Online Store:

Index Furniture has physical outlets in major cities like Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad. Customers can visit these outlets to explore their furniture offerings

Additionally, Index Furniture has an online store that provides a convenient shopping experience. Explore their online store at: Index Furniture Online Store.

Nishat Linen Furniture: Enhancing Homes with Style and Quality.

Line of Products:


  • Sofas and Seating:
  • Beds and Bedroom Furniture:
  • Dining Sets:

Unique Selling Points:


Nishat Linen Furniture stands out for several unique qualities that set them apart from other furniture brands: Quality Craftsmanship, Fusion of Style and Comfort and Integration with Textile Products:

Sales and Promotions:


Nishat Linen Furniture occasionally conducts sales and promotions, providing customers with opportunities to purchase their furniture at discounted prices. These sales events make their high-quality offerings more accessible to a wider audience.


Physical Outlets and Online Store:


Nishat Linen Furniture has physical outlets in major cities across Pakistan, including Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, and others. Customers can visit these outlets to explore their furniture collections and make purchases. Additionally, Nishat Linen Furniture offers an online store that provides convenience and accessibility for customers to browse and purchase their products from anywhere. Visit their online store at: Nishat Linen Furniture Online Store.



Pakistan’s furniture brands offer an exquisite blend of craftsmanship, style, and versatility. From Surmawala’s masterpieces to Habitt’s, ChenOne and Index Furniture’s solutions, each brand brings its unique charm to the table. 


However, Surmawala is a name that is nationally recognized and is one of the most sought after places to shop furniture from. People from all walks of life prefer this brand because it’s a one-stop shop for everyone.


The physical outlets and online stores make it convenient for customers to explore and purchase their desired furniture pieces.


Top Furniture Brands in Pakistan (in chronological order):


Surmawala- the most trusted and reliable!



Index Furniture

Nishat linen furniture


Indulge in the joy of transforming your living spaces with the finest furniture from these reputable brands, but don’t forget to check out the most sought after brand which is Surmawala.


Elevate your home to new levels of elegance and comfort. Happy furnishing!


Dual Inverter AC: The Future of Cooling Technology

The advent of air conditioning (AC) dates back to the early twentieth century when Willis Carrier invented the first window unit in 1902. Over time, AC technology has evolved with the advent of digital technology leading to more efficient and environmentally friendly innovations.
One such breakthrough is the Dual Inverter AC, which is becoming increasingly popular in the market as the temperature increases day by day.
Currently, the need for an air conditioner has become essential. However, the issue of high electricity bills is a challenge faced by many. In this case, a dual inverter AC can be a solution. So, what exactly is a dual inverter AC?


In simple terms, a dual inverter AC is an air conditioner with a dual rotary compressor. This type of AC has two rotary motors that work in tandem to maintain the desired temperature. In contrast, a traditional AC has a single rotary compressor.
One rotor runs in the opposite direction of the other, but both rotors remain synchronized by a single motor. This technology is designed to save energy and minimize operating noise while reducing carbon emission. Dual Inverter ACs are more efficient than traditional ACs and boast less fluctuation in power consumption.


Traditional ACs often require the compressor to start and stop after attaining the required temperature level in a room. The Dual Inverter AC technology compressor runs continuously at a slower speed. By doing so, it provides an even and consistent cooling effect without the need to stop and start continually.
The dual inverter ACs are capable of providing a more precise and consistent temperature throughout the room while saving up energy. Additionally, these ACs offer quiet operation, making them an excellent choice for bedrooms, offices, and other quiet spaces.


  1. Energy- Efficient:
One of the main advantages of a dual inverter AC is energy efficiency, which translates into lower electricity bills.
These ACs have a variable-speed compressor motor that can adjust the compressor speed according to the cooling load. In other words, the compressor doesn’t have to run at full speed all the time, which saves significant amounts of energy.
In fact, a dual inverter AC can save up to 60% energy when compared to a traditional AC. Therefore, it’s a cost-effective solution for people who use air conditioners frequently.
  1. Quick and Faster Cooling:
Another benefit of dual inverter ACs is their ability to cool a room faster than traditional ACs. The dual rotary compressor of these ACs works efficiently to provide faster cooling.
This means that you don’t have to wait long for the room to cool down after turning the AC on. Additionally, these ACs come with features such as auto-restart, sleep mode,
  1. Noise-free function:
One of the major benefits of using Dual Inverter Air Conditioners is their quiet operation. With a noise level of up to 19dB, the Dual Inverter ACs nearly silence operation ensures your home is peaceful and conducive to a relaxed environment.
  1. Better Air Quality:
Dual inverter ACs also provide better air quality. These ACs use better filters than traditional ACs, which trap more dust and pollutants. This results in cleaner air circulating in the room. Furthermore, the consistent temperature provided by the ACs prevents the growth of pollens, dust mites, and other allergens that may cause respiratory issues. Overall, dual inverter ACs can provide a healthier and more comfortable environment in your living space.
  1. Durability:
With the prolonged life of components, Dual Inverter ACs need less maintenance, which translates to less cost and time spent on servicing the system.


Since Dual-Inverter Air Conditioners comprises of the latest technology, their prices are usually on the higher end of the price scale. However, it can vary depending on factors such as brand, model, capacity, features, and the seller’s location.
In Pakistan, the cost of dual inverter ACs can range from around PKR 100,000 to PKR 150,000 or more for high-end models.
Dual Inverter AC technology is the latest advancement in air conditioning technology, and it undoubtedly provides numerous benefits to the consumer. The dual inverter AC is a more advanced and energy-efficient air conditioning solution. Its dual rotary compressor can save energy, cool a room faster, and provide better air quality.
Although the initial cost of purchasing a Dual Inverter AC may be more expensive than the conventional ones, the overall savings achieved from reduced electricity consumption and maintenance costs make it worthwhile.
Additionally, it comes with various features that enhance its functionality and provide ease of use. Therefore, if you’re looking for an air conditioner that’s not only cost.
invetet ac


What does Eco mean in Air Conditioners?

Air conditioning systems have become an essential commodity in many households and workplaces due to the ever-changing weather patterns globally. However, while purchasing an AC, many people focus on the model’s price, durability, and functionality to meet their immediate needs.
It is vital to understand the eco mode, which is a feature that is present in many air conditioning units in the market.
Read on to find out what eco features means and why you should look for it in your next AC purchase.

What is Eco Mode?

Eco mode is a feature that is present in most modern air conditioner units.An a/c consumes a significant amount of electrical energy when in operation. This is when the eco mode comes into play to reduce this consumption.
It is a mode that can help homeowners save money on their energy bills by consuming less energy while still providing adequate cooling. It helps by regulation of the compressor speed and room temperature, making it more economical.
However, many individuals still don’t know much about the Eco mode setting and what it entails in an air conditioner. When the eco mode function is on, the unit’s compressor runs at a slower speed, which results in lower power usage and ultimately leads to lower electricity bills.
This mode automatically adjusts the temperature and reduces the unit’s overall energy consumption. The system can regulate the temperature to the desired one while consuming less energy, making it eco-friendly.
The eco mode also improves the air quality in the room as it operates with the use of refrigerant gases that are environment-friendly, which considerably54r reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

How to Use Eco Mode on Air Conditioner?

Using eco mode on an air conditioner is relatively easy and straightforward. When you switch on your unit, locate the mode button on your remote controller and press it repeatedly until you reach the eco mode function.
Once you have selected the eco function, the compressor’s speed will begin to adjust to the optimal range to keep the room’s temperature constant while consuming less energy. It is crucial to note that it takes some time for the air conditioner to adjust, so don’t be hasty and have some patience.

AC Models with Eco Mode Available at Surmawala:

If you are wondering where you can find Air Conditioners with Eco Mode feature, that too with a fairly reduced and economical price, then look no further. Surmawala offers a wide range of Air Conditioners at budget-friendly rates, which makes purchasing a new home appliance considerably less heavy on pockets during the crazy inflation.
Below are some of the models of Air Conditioners available at Surmawala with the Eco Mode feature:
  1. KENWOOD 1 Ton eComfort Plus Inverter KEC-1253S – 75% Energy Saving – Heat and Cool
  1. Kenwood 1847 ACE 60% Saving 1.5 Ton Inverter AC +
  1. Kenwood Metallic Grey ECO Plus 1 Ton DC-Inverter AC KEE-1245s
  1. TCL Smart DC Inverter Air Conditioner 12T3 PRO – 1 Ton (IoT Wifi Control)
ondering from where can you get AC models with the Eco Mode feature, that too without breaking the bank, then look no further. Surmawala offers a wide variety of Air Conditioners with this energy-saving feature. And the best part? The budget-friendly prices makes it convenient to shop without putting a dent in your pockets.
Some of the available models at Surmawala with this feature includes:
  1. KENWOOD 1 Ton eComfort Plus Inverter KEC-1253S – 75% Energy Saving – Heat and Cool                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
  1. Kenwood 1847 ACE 60% Saving 1.5 Ton Inverter AC +
  1. Kenwood Metallic Grey ECO Plus 1 Ton DC-Inverter AC KEE-1245s
  1. TCL Smart DC Inverter Air Conditioner 24T3 PRO – 2 Ton (IoT Wifi Control)
Benefits of Using Eco Mode:
There are several benefits of using ecomode on air conditioners. Here are some of the most significant benefits:
Energy Savings:
The most significant benefit of ecomode is the energy savings it provides. By using this feature, you can significantly reduce your energy consumption and save money on your energy bills.
Environmentally Friendly:
Using ecomode is also environmentally friendly. By reducing energy consumption, you can reduce your carbon footprint and help to protect the environment.
Longer Lifespan:
Running your air conditioner in eco mode can also help to prolong the lifespan of the system. By reducing the workload on the system, you can reduce the wear and tear on the components, which can help to extend the lifespan of the system.
More Comfort:
Ecomode can also help to create a more comfortable living environment. By adjusting the temperature and airflow, you can create a more balanced and consistent temperature throughout your home.
It is always essential to check if your air conditioner model has an eco mode feature if you desire a unit that consumes less power, thus saving on electricity bills. This energy-saving feature in an air conditioner provides considerable benefits, both environmentally and economically, making it a crucial purchase consideration. Furthermore, Eco mode is a feature that can benefit homeowners by reducing energy consumption without compromising on the unit’s cooling capacity. By understanding Eco mode settings, consumers can maximise their air conditioner’s efficiency and reduce their carbon footprint while saving money on energy bills.
Air Conditioner


Dual Inverter AC: The Future of Cooling Technology

The advent of air conditioning (AC) dates back to the early twentieth century when Willis Carrier invented the first window unit in 1902. of digital technology leading to more efficient and environmentally friendly innovations.
One such breakthrough is the Dual Inverter AC, which is becoming increasingly by day.
Currently, the need for an air conditioner has become essential. However, the issue of high electricity bills is a challenge faced by many. In this case, a dual inverter AC can be a solution. So, what exactly is a dual inverter AC?


In simple terms, a dual inverter AC is an air conditioner with a dual rotary compressor. This type of AC has two rotary motors that work in tandem to maintain the desired temperature. In contrast, a traditional AC has a single rotary compressor.
One rotor runs in the opposite direction of the other, but both rotors remain synchronized by a single motor. This technology is designed to save energy and minimize operating noise while reducing carbon emission. Dual Inverter ACs are more efficient than traditional ACs and boast less fluctuation in power consumption.


Traditional ACs often require the compressor to start and stop after attaining the required temperature level in a room. The Dual Inverter AC technology compressor runs continuously at a slower speed. By doing so, it provides an even and consistent cooling effect without the need to stop and start continually.
room while saving up energy. making them an excellent choice for bedrooms, offices, and other quiet spaces.


  1. Energy- Efficient:
One of the main advantages of a dual inverter AC is energy efficiency, which translates into lower electricity bills.
These ACs have a variable-speed compressor motor that can adjust the compressor speed according to the cooling load. In other words, the compressor doesn’t have to run at full speed all the time, which saves significant amounts of energy.
In fact, a dual inverter AC can save up to 60% energy when compared to a traditional AC. Therefore, it’s a cost-effective solution for people who use air conditioners frequently.
  1. Quick and Faster Cooling:
Another benefit of dual inverter ACs is their ability to cool a room faster than traditional ACs. The dual rotary compressor of these ACs works efficiently to provide faster cooling.
This means that you don’t have to wait long for the room to cool down after turning the AC on. Additionally, these ACs come with features such as auto-restart, sleep mode, timer mode, and turbo mode, which further improve their functionality and user convenience.
  1. Noise-free function:
One of the major benefits of using Dual Inverter Air Conditioners is their quiet operation. With a noise level of up to 19dB, the Dual Inverter ACs nearly silence operation ensures your home is peaceful and conducive to a relaxed environment.
  1. Better Air Quality:
Dual inverter ACs also provide better air quality. These ACs use better filters than traditional ACs, which trap more dust and pollutants. This results in cleaner air circulating in the room. Furthermore, the consistent temperature provided by the ACs prevents the growth of pollens, dust mites, and other allergens that may cause respiratory issues. Overall, dual inverter ACs can provide a healthier and more comfortable environment in your living space.
  1. Durability:
With the prolonged life of components, Dual Inverter ACs need less maintenance, which translates to less cost and time spent on servicing the system.
Since Dual-Inverter Air Conditioners comprises of the latest technology, their prices are usually on the higher end of the price scale. However, it can vary depending on factors such as brand, model, capacity, features, and the seller’s location.
In Pakistan, the cost of dual inverter ACs can range from around PKR 100,000 to PKR 150,000 or more for high-end models.


Dual Inverter AC technology is the latest advancement in air conditioning technology, and it undoubtedly provides numerous benefits to the consumer. The dual inverter AC is a more advanced and energy-efficient air conditioning solution. Its dual rotary compressor can save energy, cool a room faster, and provide better air quality.
Although the initial cost of purchasing a Dual Inverter AC may be more expensive than the conventional ones, the overall savings achieved from reduced electricity consumption and maintenance costs make it worthwhile.
Additionally, it comes with various features that enhance its functionality and provide ease of use. Therefore, , a dual inverter AC may be the perfect solution to meet your cooling needs.